This is what makes us different and unique. You can literally include almost any nonperishable item from any domestic supplier/website. That's right, any kind of kit you can dream up - the sky's the limit. Include sanitizing wipes from, a pack of shoelaces from and a box of gloves from

Click the Get Started link on the homepage and our custom kit builder will walk you through kit construction.

A URL is simply a website address. Our URL is

The fastest way to copy a URL is to highlight the browser address bar and hold down the Control (Ctrl) button & C key to copy the URL, then place the cursor in the space to list the products in your kit and use the Ctrl and V keys to paste. Alternately, you can right click on your browser bar and select copy. Then place the cursor in the space to list the products in your kit, right click again and select paste to add the address into step 4 on our website.

We try to have all quotes completed within 24 hours.

Costs vary by the item size and quantity. Shipping costs will also determine total kit costs.

Our process typically takes at least 2-3 weeks from kit creation. We will let you know if we can meet your deadline in the quote.